Why Companies should spend their Digital Marketing Budget after COVID 19

Digital Marketing with person using a laptop on a white table
The year 2020 would be infamously known in the future for having had the worst start of a decade. January brought us horrible news in the form of Australian bushfires and World War-III rumours followed by the Covid-19 outbreak which turned into a pandemic by the beginning of March. With such a rough start to a new decade, various companies who had already scheduled their marketing schedule for the first quarter have had to adjust to the pandemic.
The Covid-19 outbreak spread rapidly across the world due to its nature of being highly contagious and due to this most of the countries resorted to quarantine. With millions of people and companies now switching to the “Work from Home” concept, everyone had to change their approach of achieving profitable business and growth.
Below explained are the 10- major concepts for digital marketing and budget that companies should embrace in order to be relevant during the pandemic:
1. Identify your Gross Revenue and Holdings:
Companies need to accept the fact that businesses will take a heavy toll and as a result they have to adjust and adapt to the conditions. Having a good idea of the total revenue and also an estimate of how much earnings can be achieved during the pandemic will give them a clear idea of the budget for marketing purposes.
2. Making Digital Marketing as the main priority:
With millions of people confined to their homes all around the world, traffic on the internet will be at a record high. Companies need to take advantage of this and target the top social media platforms with their digital marketing campaigns and draft out a budget accordingly.
3. Analyse and Implement Tasks:
Companies can plan out a systematic schedule for their digital marketing campaigns for multiple platforms. They can mainly focus on carrying out marketing campaigns on major social media and digital platforms which will help them target millions of users worldwide.
4. Paid Promotions:
Due to the quarantine effect taking place all over the world, companies can plan out a budget for each social media platform and carry out paid promotions depending on the traffic that each social media platform contributes towards their brand. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are the major platforms having millions of users and perfect for carrying out paid promotions.
5. Improving SEO keywords for better results:
Companies can improve upon their SEO keywords in order to rank higher in the search results. They can either spend their budget by taking help from other companies specializing in SEO or carry out detailed analysis on other platforms in order to improve upon their SEO.
(Anand Bhadkamkar, CEO of DAN India shares his thoughts on marketing and advertising and how brands need to evolve accordingly)
6. Partnering with Digital Marketing Agencies:
If a company has a lot of internal work and cannot afford to spend time on digital marketing, then they could approach digital marketing agencies that hold expertise in digital marketing and branding. Companies could choose from a variety of packages and such agencies carry out all the digital marketing activities on their behalf.
7.Spending budget on Website Monitoring Tools:
Various companies hold expertise in website monitoring and traffic analysis. Companies can spend their budget on acquiring such tools and services in order to have a detailed analysis of their website growth and how much traffic they are pulling in and what all are the areas of improvement.
8. Targeting Gaming Platforms:
The one thing that increases a lot during quarantine is people turning towards gaming as a stress reliever. With millions worldwide confined to their homes, the gaming business blooms drastically. Carrying out paid promotions and advertisements on major gaming websites and platforms will certainly help brands pull in immense traffic.
9. Focusing on Customer and User Service:
Companies could spare some budget for acquiring a customer service platform in order to stay up to date with their queries and be able to provide quick resolutions.
With all these major ways, companies can easily come up with a planned budget for their digital marketing campaigns and adjust themselves in a good way to deal with the Covid-19 situation. Staying relevant during tough times is what every company should focus on and implementing the above detailed 10-ways is a guaranteed success for companies to bloom with their digital marketing campaigns.